Dhapakhel VDC has a population
of more than thousands people representing different castes and
ethnicity. Nagdaha is located in the ward number 8 and 9 of Dhapakhel
VDC. Nagdaha is culturally diversified and rich as many people from
different backgrounds lives here in harmony and peace. In Nagdaha,
people from Newar (%), Chhetri (%), Janajati (%), Brahmin (%), Dalit (%)
and Chhetri (%) are found. The majority of people are involved in
agriculture where as people are also involved in business and government
services. Use of Nagdha People of Dhapakhel VDC are dependent on
Nagdaha for their livelihood. Some are involved in activities like fish
farming, some function as ferry man rowing the boat at Nagdaha and some
are functioning as a restaurateur attracting domestic tourists. Water
from Nagdaha is used by villages at Dhapakhel VDc for household chores
such as washing dishes, taking baths, washing clothes, drinking purposes
and for religious activities. People heavily rely on Nagdaha for water
resources to accomplish their household chores. VDCs where Nagdaha is
situated were dependent on Nagdaha for drinking water but after the
supply of drinking water from the government their dependency for
drinking water has lessened where as they are still dependent for other
household activities. Most of the households in Dhapakhel VDC are
involved in agricultural activities. As being hugely dependent on
agriculture; these households rely on Nagdaha for irrigation. For the
purpose of irrigation a dam has been constructed which is closed to
accumulate water for irrigation every June and is opened in August
during the plantation period. Nagdaha is being widely promoted as
domestic tourist destination. Many recreational activities such as
boating, hiking, cycling can be carried out at Nagdaha. As the climate
of Nagdaha is mild so the recreational activities are favorable in all
the season expect on monsoon season. Academicians can carry out
different educational activities at Nagdaha. Research on different
ecological, cultural aspects of Nagdaha can be carried out
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